Better Search Engine Optimization

Opting for high quality audio transcription services will pay off in the long run because you’ll see serious improvements in the search engine optimisation (SEO) and the search engine positioning of your website for relevant keywords.

Search engines can’t really index the content presented in your videos. For example, you can have a lengthy interview with an industry expert but it’s not going to matter for SEO because search engine crawlers can’t really “decode” what the video is all about. An interview transcription gives them access to this content, enabling crawlers to index the respective video clip for relevant keywords.

An interesting Liveclicker survey demonstrates the power of quality transcripts.

The study focused on 37 pages before and after the addition of transcripts to those. Researchers found out that the pages that had both a video and a transcript generated 16 percent more revenue on the average.


Easier Accessibility

When adding video to your website, you should be thinking about a broad audience and how accessible your content is going to be for such people.

Video transcripts and captions are ideal for individuals that have a hearing impairment. Hearing loss affects one in six Australians, the Australian Network on Disability reports. Of these people, approximately 30,000 have experienced complete hearing loss. The network’s projections for 2050 suggest that the occurrence of hearing problems will increase to one in four people.

This is a massive audience that will not have access to your video content unless online transcription is provided.

People that have a limited ability to process audio content and the ones that may struggle with the language will also find it highly beneficial to have a complete transcription. As you can see, multiple groups of people can benefit from the addition of the text. Ultimately, this will make content more readily available and increase its reach.


Getting Your Content Translated Effortlessly

Taking a look at Google Analytics will give you a good idea about the countries where most of your audience is located. Chances are that you may be providing videos in your language but your audience’s native one is different.

A transcript is a great perk for such an audience because it can be translated effortlessly.

People can use services like Google Translate to figure out what your videos are all about. In addition, if you have an audience that’s from a certain part of the world, you can provide the transcript in the respective language as a courtesy for the audience.


Encouraging Content Derivatives

Whenever your content is of sufficiently high quality, it will be used as a reference material by others. As a result, you’ll get a big number of backlinks and shares by people who rely on your information in their own texts/video clips.

Content derivatives can come in the form of articles, short video clips, montages and reels. In order to encourage the creation of such, you should definitely consider the addition of comprehensive transcripts to your website.

Audio transcriptions make it easier for people to understand what your content is all about without going through the entire video. The answer is simple – text is incredibly easy to scan, giving the viewer a relatively good idea about the topic of discussion.

Here’s one simple example of how this works – University of Wisconsin used transcripts to create testimonials from an extensive library of video interviews. This is just one of the approaches that can be used for the purpose of derivative content creation.


Making Your Videos Viewable Regardless of the Circumstances

Sometimes, people watch videos in noisy environments. There may be additional factors that will decrease their ability to hear the audio loud and clear. These people will benefit from the availability of a complete transcript.

Transcription increases video viewing time. A PLY Media study suggests that captions and transcripts can increase video viewing time by as much as 40 percent. The number of people who watch the entire video will also increase when transcripts and captions are available.

Just imagine having someone trying to watch a video in a noisy café, at the airport or on a train. The number of people who watch videos on the go is increasing all the time, especially due to mobile technology developments. You can’t afford alienating such a massive audience. This is why you should definitely consider an audio transcription service that will increase the value of your content.

These are just a few of the reasons why video transcription makes sense for all websites, regardless of the industry or the audience size. Transcription is cost-efficient and you will have to invest a small amount in getting the job done professionally. By doing so, you’re creating more engaging content that will pay off in the long run.