Reclining Roo

Hoo Roo

With hope in one hand and a glass of stoicism in the other we say goodbye to 2021 and step into 2022.

We won't add to the literary noise about the struggles everyone has had with the COVID repercussions. 

But we will say a big THANK YOU for trusting OutScribe with your transcription needs and we look forward to doing more of the same in 2022.

25 December - 4th January

Over the Christmas / New Year period there will be a number of transcriptionists available so continue to upload your audio files.

The admin staff will respond to emails and voicemails when the mood takes us I'm afraid. 

There are families that needs to be loved, books that need to be read, and country vistas that need to be viewed but we'll squeeze in any urgent cries for help.

The team at OutScribe wishes all our clients the very best over the holiday break.